Being afraid of losing your home or risking your financial future is not. The key word, in my opinion, is measurement.

I think speculation can be fun to some degree, as long as everyone is honest about what they’re doing: playing a fun game.
It involves a system of free trade and all the complex game mechanics and social issues that come with it, including speculation. It involves buying, transporting, and selling in-game goods. (…) The main objective of the game in BitCraft is to rebuild a civilization with other players. BitCraft is a game fundamentally about economics and trading. He pursues : ” let me add the next point. However, the economic stakes (in-game) remain one of the important mechanics of the MMORPG. For these reasons, we are currently of the opinion that integrating cryptocurrencies into BitCraft would not help us achieve our goal.

In fact, experience so far shows that it has been quite the opposite. It doesn’t increase the longevity of the game, it doesn’t make the community healthier, it doesn’t make the game more fun. He pursues : ” my problem with cryptocurrencies, I suppose, is not with cryptocurrencies per se (modulo energy usage), but the fact that they are used almost exclusively to stoke FOMO stakes so to attract players or drive up the prices of hypothetical NFTs and it’s all about the money rather than making a good game. Its founder says he has no intrinsic problem with a technology (like blockchain), but points out that ” fun is not a question of technology, it’s a question of game design and feelings among players “.

The objective of the Clockwork studio is based on the fact of making a “fun and durable” game. However, they also believe that it’s all about measurement: it’s one thing to tickle the curiosity of players to discover a secret in a video game, it’s another to use it to encourage speculators to invest their savings. The founders of Clockwork Labs are aware of this and admit to using it also in the gameplay of BitCraft (for example by imagining unique events or by hiding secrets in the game universe and pushing players to discover them). The mechanic is known in psychology to be a strong motivator and developers of crypto-assets like MMORPG developers use it – sometimes too much. A speculator’s fear of missing out on a crypto-currency that could drastically gain in value and prompting investment “just in case”, a studio’s fear of missing out on a new trend that could turn out to be very lucrative and get started too late, or a player’s fear of missing out on an in-game event like a world boss or a PvP raid and the promise of rewards that encourage staying connected to an MMORPG. Why do crypto-assets find their place so easily in gaming universes? According to the studio, no doubt because the speculative engines linked to crypto-assets and those of MMORPG game mechanics have a common point which is an acronym: “ FOMO “, for fear of missing out, the fear of missing out on an event.